Published on June 2, 2012 by Wauter licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution license.

These catapolts are based off of the Zheng3 Penny Catapult by ZHENG3. His other designs are also quite good for shooting shit at your GM.
These Instructions are from his page, with the images from our construction inserted:
Construction is snap-together! (editor’s note: our prints did not end up as “snap together”. We recommend super glue)
Feed an elastic band through each of the bores on the side braces. Tie it through the bore on each winding key. Slip the end of the throwing arm through the rubber bands. Repeat with as many rubber bands as will fit through the holes. Needlenose pliers will help here.
Twist each key 10 times and then lock it in place by inserting the locking tenons into the square holes on the side braces. The more twists, the more launching power you’ll have. Careful, pennies (editors note: we cannot condone shooting pennies at humans, animals or GMs) can sting, especially if you take an Abe to the forehead.
Flagrant stagecraft alert: the clever-eyed among you will note the use of black electrical tape to keep the throwing arm cocked for the photo.
If you need a target, try the Seej basic bloxen: